Customer Testimonials

Our school management solution which is also widely known as Sainofy SchoolSOFT, is a secure and trusted by hundreds of our customers from all districts of Bihar, India. We do not believe in new client creation, what we believe is to provide you a quality product and customer friendly services. Therefore our client list is increasing rapidily. Please keep in mind that customer satisfaction is only our motto.


Anand Prep. Public School give thanks to Sainofy for their high quality school software which has been delivering outstanding performance to us since 2010. We also appreciate their good customer friendly environment which has been delivering quality assurance.We look forward to their continued support and services. Best of luck.


No doubt, Sainofy has done a tremendous job for beautifying its grand product by applying their full potential. The best thing about this software is how nicely its every module digitally talks to each other. As I don't have the deeper knowledge about IT field, nevertheless I would say their might be something well versed running behind the scene.


Sainofy School Administration Software is very adaptable and it is an exstesive way to control information for all our students & employees. Necessary information appears at a single click on button and very straighforward to nevigate. Technical support system is quick responsive and awesome. Now better be the best.


Beyond controversy, your product is admirable and the support system meets the top notch as we were expecting for. The session management embedded within your software gives the ability to work with multiple sessions concurrently. Your recently added date lock management system wraps the banking methodology hehind the scene, and subsequently this raises an extra protection against malicious date level activities. Thanks Sainofy, for being part of us as an organizing body.


As a CBSE affiliated school, we have been working with Sainofy since 2013. Prior to using Sainofy SchoolSOFT, we generally had only one person that was able to access student information. Now, with Sainofy SchoolSOFT all our support staff and administrators have quick access to student information. And now all our related reports appear withing a couple of minutes. Thanks Sainofy, for delivering this great product and keep your constant research for strengthening its sharpness.


In our education hub, this software is being operated very well. The good thing inside it is its users and group management system. It covers almost all our related divisions very effectively. Recently added feedback widget responds immediately with the adequate answers in a well supportive manner. I sat couple of times in front of the software and it started reminding me my necessary tasks which was well categorized with priority levels. I hope they will keep continuing their streamlined potentials.


Actually I'm enjoying working with this modular software. I found everything what I was really wanted. One of my colleagues suggested me this software, that time I was scared because I had been betrayed by some other companies. Thereafter Sainofy organizes a demo session and cracked it. Now we are very satisfied not only with its better performance but also with their customer togetherness environment. My good wishes is always with Sainofy and their team members.


We are very delighted to say that Sainofy SchoolSOFT is able to manage school management system very effectively. SMS Integration, Attendence, Hostel modules are very efficient which makes the communication with another modules very rapidly. Before its adaptation manual demand bill creation takes at least 2 working days, but now it appears on a single mouse click. Now it becomes the mandatory body of our organization. Thanks Sainofy for being with us.


As being the Secretary and IT head of my organization, I personaly examined this software at all my possible technical point of views by going dive-deeper. They cleared all my doubts point-by-point as well as I also wanted to know what technologies they have used behind its architecutre. No doubts the state of the art technologies are being used which would certainly keep it up-to-date. The ideology behind powering the data backup module is really customer concetric with secure encryption.