SchoolSOFT is suitable for all schools. No matter whether you are running a small school or big school or a chain of schools, you can use SchoolSOFT. Not just this, it suits of proper management of colleges or other educational institutions too where there is necessity of proper management of everything. Suitable for Pre K-12, College/University, Training Centres, etc.

SchoolSOFT is one of its kinds. It has been designed and developed after years and years of research on problems commonly faced by schools across the globe. SchoolSOFT is an Enterprise Grade universal school management software which is suitable for any school, college or university anywhere in the world. Read more why SchoolSOFT is different... 

Data is 100% safe and secure. You will not have to be worried about anything. Your Data can never be lost or pried on by anyone. We use multi level of security to ensure that the servers are impossible to hack.

Yes, you can manage users and their groups. For this a separate module called Security Management has been embedded into this software. Using this module you can even grand or revoke user level access privileges.


Watch related video.

Yes, we use state of the art backup facility as well, so in case of any disaster for the main data centre, your application and data will still be available at a remote secured backup location. No additional charges of back up. Learn more... 


Watch related video.

Don't worry about it. We accept the new feature update requests. Your new feature request and suggestion can be posted here . Please get in touch with us our software is highly customizable. Anything can be added or removed at any time. Learn more... 

Yes, you can export the data into Excel, PDF, DBF, Print.

Yes, you can import the data into SchoolSOFT but the soft files must be compatible with eighter Excel or DBF format.

Yes, we provide support services anything you need.
We support our clients through:

  1. email,
  2. chat
  3. phone call
  4. ticketing systems and
  5. videos .

SchoolSOFT is of great use of everyone. There are so many modules available in this software by which you can easily automate your work flow. Read more... .

SchoolSOFT School Management Software is a desktop based client/server architecture with nTier database software. The technology used is .NET, PB.NET & Microsoft SQL Server.

No there are no hidden or ecapsulated charges. You just pay the payment as per our agreement. We do, what we say.

Yes, but we donot provide white label branding. For more information contact  us.

Well, you can use our SchoolSOFT School Management Software as long as you would like, with no trouble at all. You will have to just renew your plan by making the payment.

No, our SchoolSOFT is not free, but a limited version is available for upto 50 students.