25 reasons behind school management solution

You can host your data at your server. Any version of windows can be configured for hosting your data as well as backup server. Our experts will configure it for you for better use.
Your SchoolSOFT School Management Solution is user friendly not only in design but also having onscreen instructions by letting you inform point-2-point help systems.
Very strong user & group management so that you can control your school management solution very easily. Easy process for GRANTING and REVOKING.
You can take database backup easily either or simultaneously on Local Drives, Network Locations, Google Drive & Microsoft OneDrive.
In our school management solution, you can view graph reoprting from every module. For example Month-Wise fee recovery, Top Debtor's List and more.
Very easy process for taking attendence as well as capable to integrate with state of the art attendence devices like Fingerprint Biometrics, RFID etc.
You don't need to make enough mouse movement for defining various rules to control over the core functioning of software.
You collect extensive information of students from point to point interaction module during Registration process.
Fee collections are based either by Amount Input or by Mouse Selection. For smooth functioning mouse selection is set to default.
In your school management solution Date Lock prevents the user to make transaction on pre-ended and post-dated entries, and hence transaction is denied by the system by letting users to inform appropriate message.
A wizard window by which you can generate demand bill for all students from all classes either by manually or automatically. You will be prompted to select Month & Class during on screen process.
Use this wizard to generate demand bill for single student at a time. Why do this require? Because often you might want to collect advance fee from the current session and even also for the next comming session.
In our school management solution, messaging system accounts on two factors: SMS & Email. SMS on money receipt, student's absentee and other user defined messages can be sent either manually or automatically or schedule basis. Right now we are constantly working on multi language support for SMS so that the messages in regional languages could be sent efficiently translative errors.
Just print the student's outstanding and distribute among students with the help of class teacher or class monitor. You have two printing formats:- Six students per A4 page,
- Four students per A4 page.
In the 1st format only amount is shown whereas in the 2nd format outstanding details is shown.

You can send the dues reminders via Short Message Service (SMS). You can also send current outstanding, previous month dues and any post dated notification. Our school management solution is capable to retains a copy of all sent messages on your database for future perspective use.
We provide SchoolSOFT School Management Solution at very low cost. The cost starts from approximately Rs.15999/- which comparatively beats all big giant's pricing those are prividing their school management solution in this field.
Student grouping module is very useful and powerful if you willing to provide some concession or discount on one or more students. The batch rules can also be implemented here. Anytime you can create, delete groups without affecting student's account.
We provides new updates at every two weeks of interval, i.e., fortnight based. Once the new updates is released, the built-in updated notification system lets you inform with full description as well as direct download link.
All your data is secured because it is installed at your end and hence there is merely chance of personal information leakage. Time to time we inform you about new measures to ensure your data security.
As we're committed for providing SchoolSOFT at very low cost, it doesn't mean that there may be the change of hidden or encapsulated price. Don't worry there is no hidden pricing. We do what we say.
Your School Management Software is very sesitive about keeping your password safe. Before password storage, it passes through three phases of world recognized encryption system. So don't worry !!!
In Sainofy SchoolSOFT School Management Software, custom data import utility provides you one of the easiest way to have migration from your existing software.
Ths SchoolSOFT's User Interface and excellent User Experience is the result of extensive research and innovative design.
You can print admit card/hall ticket based on student's fee recovery. Although you have the full rights for printing admit card/hall ticket for all students as according to your choice.